Fermented and pickled stories.

Fermented foods were once a common shunner. However, when microorganisms known as ‘probiotics’ began recognized as good for your health. These fermented foods transformed from villains into good guys. However, there are still many details that you should understand and be careful about when it comes to fermentation and pickling.
So we have gathered some basic knowledge about fermented and pickled foods to share with you so that you will know what is good. What should be avoide. How to pickle them well so that everyone can welcome the new year with good health.
Pickled and fermented = old things told again
Fermentation is not a new thing, but it is a wisdom that people in almost every region of the world have used to preserve food for a long time. ทางเข้า ufabet scientifically speaking, fermentation is a process in which humans use enzymes from good microorganisms (yeast, mold, or some types of bacteria) to change the organic components of food, allowing those ingredients to last longer without spoiling quickly.
The by-product of extending the shelf life is the change in color, smell and taste of that type of food which is different from the original. The preference depends on different tastes and cultures. But the same by-product is that food fermented with good and proper methods will be rich in good microorganisms which we call ‘probiotics’. Nowadays, most people no longer ferment food to preserve it, but ferment it for deliciousness and health instead.
Pickled and fermented = food for eternal life
The hero of fermented foods is the good bacteria call probiotics. The most common and familiar ones are lactic acid bacteria or lactobacillus. The strength of this type of bacteria is that it feeds on sugar and converts it in an anaerobic or low oxygen environment into lactic acid. When the pH of the food drops, other bacteria cannot grow, except for lactobacillus.
Luckily, some lactic acid bacteria have found to have beneficial properties in the digestive tract. This means that if we eat good, fermented foods regularly, we will increase the number of good bacteria that are already in our colon, allowing our bodies to absorb nutrients better. This in turn helps to balance our digestive tract by suppressing bad bacteria.
Although the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved probiotics as having therapeutic properties, many researchers have researched and discovered that probiotics help treat gastrointestinal problems and are also related to the secretion of hormones in our body (which also affects mood). In addition, the global trend has pushed groups of chefs, housewives, or health-conscious people to study fermentation and apply it all over the world.
Pickling and fermenting, what should you be careful about?
Amidst the many benefits that have claime, not all fermented foods are good. There are still some things that consumers must choose and be careful about, as follows:
– There are many forms of fermented foods, and some of them are not healthy, such as beer or wine, because they do not contain enough probiotics and have other harmful substances. Therefore, it is not possible to conclude that all fermented foods are beneficial to the body.
– Fermented foods produced by industries that focus on mass production at risk of adding fermentation accelerators, contaminants, flavorings, preservatives, colors, and often fermente with mostly dead microorganisms, which are not good for health. Instead of eating them to prevent cancer, they may end up causing cancer instead.
– Good fermented food should fermented using a clean, natural process, allowing good microorganisms to create the flavors, while humans are only arranging the environment, time, and temperature to be appropriate so that bad microorganisms cannot grow.
The best way to buy pickled food is to Fermented and pickled choose from local sources that you know the origins of, trust, or best of all, you should try to pickle it yourself using a clean and proper process. Most importantly, don’t forget that eating too much of anything is not good either.